Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Right Radio Under Fired

A Raleigh NC radio station is under fire by a Durham activist for their upcoming "Girls With Guns" promotion.


On June 5th, Right Wing Conservation station WRDU's morning show will hold what it is calling a "Hand Gun Course and Open Shoot" for women at Range 37 Shooting Range and Gun Club in Bunn Level NC. The station, owned by Clear Channel," converted to the Rush Radio talk format earlier this year and is known for its anti- African American and anti-Latino rhetoric. Much of the stations venom has been spewed towards President Barack Obama.

"I guess they are going to use posters of the First Family for target practice," says Durham minister, Paul Scott. He says that this is the first time that he has heard of a radio station promoting gun training."It's very hypocritical ," says Scott. "If one of the local Hip Hop stations was putting on such an event in the 'hood, the outcry would be deafening."

This is also disturbing during this present racial climate.Immediately after the November 08 election, it has been reported that gun sells increased. Also during the same period, a Georgia store owner was criticized for holding an "Obama Gun Sale." More recently, Conservative Sarah Palin is reported to have warned her base that "Obama would ban guns if he could."

Scott says that stations like WRDU are capitalizing off of Right Wing fears and pushing this country towards a race war."The last thing we need in this community is a bunch of paranoid pistol packin' mamas with itchy trigger fingers."

Paul Scott is a minister, activist and writer based in Durham NC. He is the author of the blog No Warning Shots Fired.com. In 2004 Scott gained national attention for his protest against a DJ at WRDU's sister station G-105 for referring to African American singer, Fantasia" as "ghetto." He can be reached at (919) 451-8283

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Back to Africa Tour Kicks Off 2/8

The Intelligence Over Ignorance Black History Month, "Back to Africa" lecture tour will kick off 2/8 at the Stanford L Warren Library in Durham NC with a lecture by "TRUTH Minista " Paul Scott called "Hip Hop History or Black History."

For more information or to schedule a tour date contact (919) 451-8283 or info@nowarningshotsfired.com

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Activist" Go Back to Africa!"

For many African Americans the term "Go back to Africa" is the ultimate insult , rivaling the dreaded "N word." However, a Durham NC activist and minister is urging African Americans to do just that this Black History Month. Not in a physical sense but academically, spiritually and culturally.

"Growing up,' Go Back to Africa was the ultimate diss among classmates, often leading to either tears or fist fights, says Paul Scott, "Now, the term is widely used by racists as an insult."Paul Scott, is urging African Americans to "upgrade" black history by including African History in Black History celebrations and school curriculums across the country."We cannot just be happy that black history is being taught and celebrated," says Scott, "We have to ask which type of black history is being taught, the version about African kings and queens or the one that begins with happy-go lucky slaves picking cotton on the plantation."

Scott hopes that the same way the Hip Hop Generation has tried to take the sting out of the "N word" they will take the sting out of "Go back to Africa" by promoting Afrocentric education."Historically we have been taught that nothing good has come out of Africa and it has infected our young people with the fatal disease of self-hatred, says Scott, "Only through education can the healing begin."

Paul Scott is a minister, writer and activist who recently started the "Intelligence Over Ignorance Campaign." In 2000, he coined the phrase Afrikan Liberation Theology which is the "Black Liberation Theology for the Hip Hop Generation." Scott has been a guest on talk shows across the country including Fox News and MSNBC discussing Hip Hop, rap, race and religion. His blog is No Warning Shots Fired.com

For more information contact (919) 451-8283 or info@nowarningshotsfired.com